Be healthy and play a lot - two life learnings I want to pass from my Dad to my son.
My Dad exercises every day without fail and always has. Even now in his 80s he manages chin-ups after his morning run. As a kid when I asked him once why he exercises every day he said "We were built to chase our food; these days you have to do something else to keep in shape." It was just that simple. Dad never went on a diet or joined a gym, but he exercises every day and he's always been in shape.
Dad's example taught me that habit is far more dependable than inspiration. Make progress by making habits. Don't focus on getting into shape, focus on not missing a workout.
Throughout life I watched my Dad cultivate 'serious' hobbies. Over 40+ years of my life I have known him as a scuba diver, water skier, sailor and pilot. Not all at once but each had its era. I label them serious hobbies because his approach was committed. The activities he enjoyed were usually physically and mentally demanding. They also required skill and ultimately talent development.
Growing up I saw my Dad exert himself in pursuits he found personally fulfilling. I learnt from him that engaging in the experience of learning a new skill (for work or play) can be life enhancing.
Invest yourself in healthy habits and pursue with intent the activities that bring you joy. Two ideals I want to copy from my Dad and pass to my son.
~ Tom